Friday, September 18, 2015

2D3D: Week 4 -- Presenting the Final Cannon Model

Yaaay! Nothing has ever felt so good than to complete a project! I also can't believe how much I've learned in four weeks! My head is spinning already!

While working in Maya definitely had its ups and downs, there is a MASSIVE sense of accomplishment to finally have something presentable. Granted, this cannon is not anything I would put in a portfolio or even  have them on the desktop together, it feels good knowing I have gained enough knowledge to learn and grow in this program.


My final cannon displayed in the UE4 engine.

Learning Opportunities:
1. Exporting Versions
I struggled a bit making sure all my versions matched up and worked properly between 2015 and 2016 systems. This is something I need to note to myself going forward.

2. Remember: Flat Lighting = off
I received critique to make my cannon better match the environment of the character that would be using it. My model was particularly dark in Maya and I could not figure out why my model was so light in Mudbox. I didn't have my Mudbox flat lighting off and came out with another dark-colored model. Le sigh.

3. But there is a positive side to this mistake...!
While I was really disappointed that I spent hours painting a model that wasn't light anymore, we learned some neat tricks that UE4 can adjust specularity and roughness. While the teacher was going over each of these adjustments, it was really awesome to play with these features since it did apply to me and my model.  Yes, I was made aware it's better to just make these changes in Maya or Photoshop, it benefited me in this case to just.... play and deal with it.

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